Upcycle Sewing: #10 Tips For Neat Finish

By Mariana Kirova
Have you felt disappointed of your DIY refashions? Have you ever wanted to get neat and professionally done look? This video explains the #10 things you should be looking for in your refashion makes.
Making your own unique clothes by refashioning those you no longer wear is great fun, absolutely satisfying!
You don't have to be a dressmaker or a patternmaker to do that. You don't have to know how to make clothing from scratch as well. Upcycled fashion DIY is much easier! You only need to LOVE SEWING.
However, if you are not professional seamstress the end look might be very disappointing sometimes. Some of the Eco Fashion Sewing subscribers struggle to get good quality and neatly done finishes on their upcycle makes.
This inspired me to create a simple list of things to check for neat finish refashions. I considered all I know from my formal fashion studies, my professional dressmaker experience and what I know from making my own clothes, upcycled fashion collection and projects I’ve been sewing for some time now.
I excluded my obsession with neat finishes and good quality details :D The video tips includes only what you need to keep an eye on while having fun making your DIY refashions.
First couple of times check them in your projects. To ensure you’re achieving the best possible quality in your makes. But later you’ll get used to it and will start watching out for all these as part of your sewing routine. This is when everything will become SO easy! I promise. And you’ll enjoy your sewing moments fully!
Let me know how you’re doing in the comments. Thanks!
Have fun!